
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 is here!

Well today is 10/10/10 and Ubutnu 10.10 has been released. Go check it out:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Google "Hacking"

NOTE: This post has nothing to do with the issue of China hacking google, However, this is a controversial topic as well. This is using Google to scour the web for content that is already vulnerable.  I don't really like to call this hacking, but the community in general has dubbed it as such. I'd much rather define this as finding the content that, people intentional or otherwise have left public. Can any of that public content help find vulnerable websites? Certainly. Is it really itself "Google Hacking"? Ehhh, Not so much. This "hacking" has been covered time, and time again. Probably because it's really so easy to do. I'd really listen to the people over at BackTrack-linux, who are an authority in these things.

     So let's start with what it is exactly. We are just taking advantage of a very robust search engine. It has several different modifiers that may be used. To be honest I haven't seen or used them all; there are many. You can go and search for "hack security cameras" and find out how to take control of a camera that's already configured to accept all incoming connections. And if that's what makes you feel good about yourself by all means, go ahead. I'm not going to cover that as it already has enough text about it. 

For the practical and real life situations should you ever have those here are some of the most common operators I use:

Most common by far is:
site: query

To search only within a certain site. For example double rainbow will only search Domain youtube for a match with "double", "rainbow", or both.

Ever notice that google doesn't allow you to search for some words? The word "and" gets excluded, as does "I".
So to solve this add the + operator. This forces the Google search engine to include that result. Thus,
Shrek +I
will probably yield results that are more in line with what you want.

Similarly, the - operator does the exact opposite.
Ever search for a topic and find out there is a movie that pollutes all the results. For example in a technology class we explored "smart houses". Naturally you would do research and type smart house into google. If you have done that, you'll know that most of the results are polluted with a movie Smart House(1999).
Smart House -movie
excludes pages that mention movie in them. So now you have a much easier time searching for your smart houses.
More ex.
Salsa the sauce
Salsa -dance -class

The | or OR operators are similar to programming. This takes two arguments, which at least one of must be true. Thus,
Jacksonville | Florida
will yield results that have Jacksonville or Florida, but not pages that contain neither of them.

The opposite to the OR would naturally be the AND, which is simply quotes. You all know em already

These are some of the ones that you might actually use in life to make searching a more pleasant experience. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Using Vi or Vim

     The title is perhaps alittle ambiguous. As far as I know(or am concerned really), Vim and Vi are the same thing: Extremely efficient keyboard input. They both have virtually the same interface, accept the same commands etc.. 99% percent of users probably don't care, but Vim is a tool that takes standard keyboard input and develops it into a science. This is similar to the more efficient, yet much less used Dvorák keyboard. But Vim does not demand that you change your entire keyboard layout(even I am using the standard QWERTY as I type this).

Vim: So whats the point?
     As mentioned earlier Vim is a way for extremely efficient keyboard input, so that means that should you use this, you can navigate faster, edit/create text documents much faster than the more widely accepted standard. It's a whole new interface on typing, and although it can be a daunting challenge to learn, most people will say that it definitely helps. You have way more advanced features in your arsenal. Totally unnecessary in daily life, but users of Vim will see these obvious benefits. And you will be hailed as the leader by all of your nerdy friends.
This post is not meant to spark up the holy war between Vim and Emacs. However, I recently saw a neat trick that would help you learn Vim. In a linux environment you, might already have it. Just run the command: 


It seems to be just a text file that gets loaded with the Vim editor. However that's would place the tutorial in the command line. There are graphical interfaces for both linux(search for vim-gui in your package manager) and Windows

You can also use cream. Seems to be yet another interesting variant.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ls - List directory Contents

ls - List directory contents

This command is probably one of the most used commands when navigating through a Unix/Linux file system. You can open up the Command Line Interface(CLI) in Linux and type ls. This is a sample of what'd you see.

ls *
This is a good start to see what's going on, but we can get pretty fancy. Typing in will give you the current list and a one level down on each folder. It gives you the list of the current directory and lists the contents one level into each folder. Quite useful.

ls -a
The -a is good for displaying all files and folders including hidden ones. In Linux, hidden files/folders are perpended with a ".". These files/folders aren't displayed by default.

ls -l
Another useful feature is the -l option. This gives more detail. It's alittle intimidating at first but it's not all complicated.
If you haven't messed with Linux file-system permissions the leftmost column will be the most confusing.
In this example :
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2010-07-04 08:09 bin

The first d means that 'bin' is a directory.

the following 3 characters are the owner permissions: rw, and x mean that the owner has permission to read, write, and execute.

the next three characters(r-x in this example) are for the group. Here, r give the group permission to read, x gives the group permission to execute. The dash '-' is shown in place of the write permission because writing data to this directory is not available to the group.

The last three characters represent the permissions available to others, or everyone else that has access to the system. As you can see, everybody else has the same privileges to that directory as the group.

The next column is for the number of directories, followed by the owner, group, size, date/time last modified, and finally, the actual filename.

So this was a in plain English overview of the ls command. Is there something else I should have included? What kinds of things would you like to see? Leave a comment.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Learing the Command Line Interface(CLI)

To kick start this blog, I'm going to try to cover one Linux command in detail each week. So if there's something you would like to know how to do, just send an e-mail to This is going to be in plain English, and I'll try to go over the various options of each command. I'll figure out the structure as time progresses.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello World, First Post

Hey internet, this is going to be a blog about technology and my life. I've been inspired to make this because of other webcasts/blogs I've seen. My favorites are,,,
About Me: I'm definitely a self inspired technology kid. So yes I do love to code, and use linux and mess with all sorts of packet sniffing, virtualization, and so on and so forth. My goal is to network out and share the stuff that I've learned.
**Goal subject to change **